Posizione 1) Macchina di ispezione
Posizione 2) Robot Skiving Machine 51”
Posizione 3) Macchina Sherografica 51”
Posizione 4) Rasatrice, Lucidatrice e Scanalatrice
Posizione 5) Ciclone e Depolveratore
Posizione 6) Incollatrice
Posizione 7) Macchina per la costruzione di estrusori
Posizione 8) Autoclave
Posizione 9) Finitura e Verniciatura Portagomme + Serbatoio Airless
Posizione 10) Cavalletti per Gomme
Posizione 11) Kit Strumenti e Accessori di Produzione
Posizione 12) Ricambi consigliati
Posizione 13) Caldaia a vapore
Posizione 14) Compressori d’aria
Posizione 15) Serbatoi Aria (2000 Lt)
Posizione 16) Pompe acqua
Posizione 1) Macchina di ispezione
N.1 MGT tyre stand Hercules Plus, for tyres up to 5

– This tyre stand is used for internal and external spot repairs.
– The machine can lift the tyre up to the required height and allow easy inside and outside operations.
– It is equipped with tyre rotation controlled by a foot pedal, the tyre speed is controlled by inverter.
– It’s designed for tyres up to 51” bead diameter.
– Total installed power 10 KW

Position 2) Robot Skiving Machine 51”
N.1 REN51 OTR Robot anthropomorphic (6 Axis) Skiving / Grooving machine for tyres up to 36.00 R 51” and 45/65 R 45” with following features:

– Steel structure with spindle with interchangeable mandrel;
– Robot anthropomorphic with “High Speed” tools driving motor with 18 KW installed power, water cooled and complete with water chiller;
– N°4 types of programs for skiving installed on board robots;
– Braking system for tire locking during skiving and grooving operation;
– Covered tool holding rack with 11 positions; – Safety fences;
– Electric box with air conditioning device and with components and cables UL Listed;
– Electric installation following LME and ANSI robotic standards;
– Safety Certification as per LME rules;
– Use and maintenance manual in English language;
– 3 working tools:
– 1 conical tool 32 mm diameter;
– 1 conical tool 50 mm diameter;
– 1 conical tool 80 mm diameter;
– 500 inserts for each tool (total 1500 inserts);
– Set of metric wrenches;
Sets of bead plates:
– 24”
– 45”
– 51”
Position 3) Sherographic Machine 51”
N.1 SE1 51” Sherographic machine for tyres up to 36.00 R 51” and 45/65 R 45” with following features:

– Costruzione in acciaio speciale ad alta resistenza;
– Macchina montata su appositi sistemi antivibranti;
– Cilindri idraulici per l’apertura del cofano della macchina;
– Sistema robotico per la movimentazione dei sensori di controllo;
– Sensore laser 3D ad alta precisione;
– Pompa per vuoto di grande portata;
– PC con pannello touch screen da 19″;
– Tre livelli di password modificabili (operatore, manutenzione, servizio);
– Possibilità di modificare la dimensione della sezione minima di prova da lavorare;
– Sicurezza per l’accesso alle zone pericolose con reti di protezione e barriere di sicurezza;
– Interfaccia grafica e software di gestione della macchina di facile utilizzo;

Anthropomorphic robot handling 3D sensor

Old version axis system

New special camera 3D
Position 4) Macchina per rasare / lucidare e scanalare
N1. MGT One 51” OTR Cnc Controlled (5 Axis) Peeling/Buffing/ Grooving machine for tyres up to 36.00 R 51” and 45/65 R 45” with following features:

– Reinforced exclusive inclined tyre holding frame, design for easy loading / unloading;
– of the tyre by overhead crane or forklift (not offered);
– High resistance linear ball bearings and trolleys;
– Sumitomo gear boxes;
– Tyre holding group with bead plates (low pressure inflation), tyre driving by brushless motor;
– The bead plates are moved by hydraulic cylinders;
– Hydraulic tyre lifting device to load / unload the tyre, on floor level;
– Exclusive 4 axis tooling frame (3 positions Peeling/Buffing/Grooving);
– 5 inches peeling gauge;
– Rockwell Allen Bradley Control Logix Plc and Kinetic 6000 Cnc;
– Exclusive Touch Screen PC with Lan Connection, Ethernet Connection and USB Port for NetCam Connection;
– Manual buffing arm;
– Software developed on Rockwell Allen Bradley ladder language;
– Total installed power 80 KW;
Sets of bead plates:
– 25” steel plates (pair)
– 29” steel plates (pair)
– 33” steel plates (pair)
– 35” steel plates (pair)
– 39” steel plates (pair)
– 45” steel plates (pair)
– 49” steel plates (pair)
– 51” steel plates (pair)

Position 5) Ciclone e collettore di polvere
Cyclone and Dust Collector:

Removal of rubber crumb dust and fume from the equipment listed as per your new factory layout.
We anticipate installing a centralised dust/fume extraction system comprising of a Cyclofilter and exhaust fan set. A main header transport duct will provide suction to each collection point and remove the
dust/fume directly at source, minimising contamination into the work area. The main extraction plant would be installed external to the factory and the exhausted cleaned air vented to atmosphere via the Cyclofilter. Each connection to the extraction point would be designed for maximum capture this may require some modification work to existing hoods and machine guards. The system has been sized from information presented by you and includes maximum air volumes and pressures listed below.
System volume 12.000 cubic metres/hour.
Motor power 30 Kw
Electrical voltage 400 Volt – 50 Hz
System comprises:
n.1 Cyclo-Filter
The filter is complete with the following:
– Filtro speciale che utilizza 104 maniche per 125 metri quadrati di superficie filtrante
– Aria compressa pulita su richiesta utilizzo medio 30 nmc/ora quando richiesto
– 285 x 500 Valvola rotante con motore elettrico da 1,1 Kw
– Scala di accesso e struttura di sostegno incluse
– Corpo principale del pannello da 2 mm
– Pannello di controllo principale e modulo di pulizia automatica del filtro
– Gruppo ventilatore completo di motore elettrico da 30 Kw – 2800 rpm
– Ingresso a codolo e uscita flangiata
– Sportello di accesso e presa di scarico
– Trasmissione a cinghie trapezoidali e protezione trasmissione
– Motore e guide di scorrimento
– Dispositivo antincendio
– Equipaggiamento elettrico
– Verniciatura standard
– Potenza totale installata 30 KW
Position 6) 6.1 Incollatrice (cabina + serbatoio airless + stand)
Spray Booth

Technical Specifications
Spray booth to cement the tyre.
We quote for the supply of 5 mt. width x 4 mt. deep x 5 mt. height, spray booth.
The booth on the top is equipped with a split of 300 x 2500 mm. to allow loading and unloading the tyre on tyre stand.
The total air volume handled by the system would be approximately 45.000 m³/hour.
The booth is manufactured from formed galvanised sheet steel in a panel form.
It is complete with all fixing nuts and bolts, suction on the back of booth by two hoppers with two belt drive axial type fan sets.
N.5 rows of Andreae paper filter, n.3 neon lights, electric equipment for fan sets.
Motor power n.2 electric motors of 7,5 kW – 1400 rpm each one
Electrical voltage 400 Volt – 50 Hz
System volume 12.000 cubic metres/hour.
Motor power 30 Kw
Electrical voltage 400 Volt – 50 Hz
System comprises:
n.1 Cyclo-Filter
The filter is complete with the following:
– Filtro speciale che utilizza 104 maniche per 125 metri quadrati di superficie filtrante
– Aria compressa pulita su richiesta utilizzo medio 30 nmc/ora quando richiesto
– 285 x 500 Valvola rotante con motore elettrico da 1,1 Kw
– Scala di accesso e struttura di sostegno incluse
– Corpo principale del pannello da 2 mm
– Pannello di controllo principale e modulo di pulizia automatica del filtro
– Gruppo ventilatore completo di motore elettrico da 30 Kw – 2800 rpm
– Ingresso a codolo e uscita flangiata
– Sportello di accesso e presa di scarico
– Trasmissione a cinghie trapezoidali e protezione trasmissione
– Motore e guide di scorrimento
– Dispositivo antincendio
– Equipaggiamento elettrico
– Verniciatura standard
Posizione 6) 6.2 Serbatoio Airless (con dispositivo di miscelazione) per l’incollaggio
Airless Tank

Ideal for spraying the special adhesive solution, to protect buffed tyre surfaces from oxidation.
Guarantees a uniform solution and application of a constant and minimum thickness of mastic.
Complete with a mixer to ensure adhesive solution uniformity.
Operated with air compressed driven pump.
No contact between air compressed and the adhesive solution.
Posizione 6) 6.3 Stand pneumatico per incollatrice
Stand per pneumatici MGT Hercules Mini35 Hyd, per pneumatici fino a 35”

– This tyre stand is used to keep the tyre during cementing cycle.
– The tyre stand is placed inside the spray booth.
– The machine can lift the tyre up to the required height.
– It is equipped with tyre rotation controlled by a foot pedal, the tyre speed is controlled by inverter.
– It’s designed for tyres up to 63” bead diameter.
– Total installed power 10 KW
Posizione 7) Extruder Builder Machine (con estrusore con alimentazione a freddo tipo pin da 127 mm)
N.1 MGT Optima 51” OTR Cnc Controlled (4 Axis) Extruder builder machine
(with 127 mm pin type cold feed extruder) for tires up to 36.00 R 51” and 45/65 R 45” with following features:

– Optima 5 inches (127 mm) diameter “Cold Feed Pin Type” extruder, with ratio diameter/length 1:16;
– DC motor for extruder speed adjustment (135 kw);
– Rockwell Reliance D.C. driver Flexpack 3000;
– 4 temperatures control zones (nr.1 screw – nr.2 feeding roll + 1ST half barrel – nr.3 2ND half barrel – nr.4 extruder head + calender);
– Reinforced exclusive inclined tyre holding frame, design for easy loading / unloading of the tyre by overhead crane (not offered);
– High resistance linear ball bearings and trolleys;
– Tyre holding group with bead plates (low pressure inflation), tyre driving by AC motor;
– The bead plates are moved by hydraulic cylinders;
– Exclusive 3 axis strip application unit, with calender rollers and strip supporting device;
– Hydraulic tyre lifting device to load / unload the tyre, on floor level;
– Rockwell Allen Bradley Control Logix Plc and Kinetic 6000 Cnc and brushless motors, with inverters for tyre rotation and calender for speed control;
– Exclusive Touch Screen PC with Lan Connection, Ethernet Connection and USB Port for NetCam Connection;
– Software developed on Rockwell Allen Bradley ladder language;
– Water Chiller MK 35;
– Total installed power 200 KW;
Sets of bead plates:
– 25” steel plates (pair)
– 29” steel plates (pair)
– 33” steel plates (pair)
– 35” steel plates (pair)
– 39” steel plates (pair)
– 45” steel plates (pair)
– 49” steel plates (pair)
– 51” steel plates (pair)

Posizione 8) Autoclave
Autoclave AIM 3.000 x 3.000 mm. con vapore diretto per la vulcanizzazione dei pneumatici

Corpo autoclave
E’ costituito da un corpo cilindrico elettrosaldato con fondo ellittico all’estremità posteriore, e fondo ellittico mobile anteriormente.
Il cassone è completato da una serie di selle di sostegno opportunamente dimensionate ed idonee a sostenere il telaio dell’autoclave, il carico proveniente dal materiale da lavorare e gli attacchi di servizio richiesti.
Apertura/chiusura porta autoclave
Il sistema di chiusura è dotato di una guarnizione di tenuta con profilo a labbro realizzata in speciale mescola siliconica.
Il movimento del sistema di apertura e chiusura della porta e del blocco di sicurezza sarà effettuato tramite un sistema idraulico.
Lo sportello dell’autoclave è sostenuto da un apposito supporto che ne consente la perfetta chiusura/apertura con minimi ingombri. L’apertura a sinistra oa destra verrà finalizzata al momento dell’ordine. Il blocco di sicurezza, progettato da Italmatic, assicurerà la max. sicurezza nel tempo.
Heating system | STEAM | |
Fluid | Direct Steam | |
Useful internal diameter | 3.000 | mm |
Useful length of the rotative hanging system | 3.000 | mm |
Useful internal length | 3.000 | mm |
Highly Insulating with external protection coat | 60 | mm |
Maximum working pressure | 7,8 | bar |
Working pressure | 6 | bar |
Maximum adjustable working temperature | 170 | bar |
Project rules | VSR / EN 13445 | |
Structural certification | CE PED 97/23 | |
Quality certification | UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 | |
Certification | Any certification on request | |
Under flux welding according to rules | EN15609-14 | |
Construction material | P355 NH | |
Radiographies covering | 10%+100% cross | |
Supporting cradles | 2 | N° |
Hydraulic door opening system | YES | |
Voltage | 400/50/3 | V |
Body Position | Horizontal | |
Control board | PLC | |
Data Record | Included |
Thermal Insulation
The outside of the autoclave will be coated by a suitable thermal insulation. Its thickness guarantees that the temperature of the external side of the autoclave is into the requested limits by the current rules, with exception of the thermal points.
The external thermal insulation will be protected by zinc-steel, particularly fixed to allow a free dilatation of the covering elements.
Valves and service piping
– Regulation valves
– Closure valves
– Piloting electro valves
– Pressure switch
– Manual exhaust valves
– Disconnection points
– By pass for pressure tests
– Pipings – Manometers
– Thermometers
Power control board
The power section, consisting of standard modular rakes of primary producers, contains all of the components needed for the power electric feeding of the different components of the plant.
Inside the boards spare spaces are foreseen, according to the current rules.
When not specified by the Customer, the colour of the control boards is grey.
Control and managing system
The control system by PLC, assuring all the following operations:
– Data recording
– Control of cycle parameters
– Indication of data running
• Manual cam for the blocking of the door connected to the pressure warning light valve to control that there is no pressure before the opening of the door
• Pneumatic cylinder which prevent the rotation of the cam which blocks the door with the autoclave under pressure
• Electric device which does not allow to pressurize if the door is not closed
• Manual button to stop the autoclave and abort the cycle in case of emergency
• Over pressure valves (Safety certificated valve)
• Atmospheric pressure switch which allows the door opening
• Analogic manometer and thermometer to visualize the pressure and the temperature inside the autoclave
• Pressure switch at max pressure to unload possible over pressure
• Thermostat at maximum temperature at manual rearmament, to abort the cycle in case of emergency of high temperature in autoclave
• Emergency Stop Push Button
N.1 Autoclave AIM 3.800 x 3.000 complete with:
• Hydraulic rotation and closure of the door
• Outside Thermal insulation
• Steam Heating inside diffuser
• Steam / air – inlet / outlet control valves
• Control power board as above described
• Control system with PLC
• Structural certification CE PED 97/23
• Quality certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2008
The technical characteristics are as described in the present offer.
N°1 – Final Cooling System with water
N°1 – Rotative hanging system (max. weight 6.000 kg), tyre loading by forklift
N.1 Carrier for the autoclave
The carrier embedded in front of the autoclave moves hooking the tyre holder from the Autoclave and inserting and withdrawing it (see drawing 4200-1 in the next page)
N°1 Any certification on request
Posizione 9) Stand per pneumatici di finitura e verniciatura + Serbatoio Airless per la verniciatura
N.1 MGT tyre stand Hercules Plus, for tyres up to 51”

– This tyre stand is used for internal and external spot repairs.
– The machine can lift the tyre up to the required height and allow easy inside and outside operations.
– It is equipped with tyre rotation controlled by a foot pedal, the tyre speed is controlled by inverter.
– It’s designed for tyres up to 51” bead diameter.
– Total installed power 10 KW
N°1 Airless Tank with Mixer (see position 6.2 for details)
Posizione 10) 10.1 Tyre Stand 35”
N.2 MGT tyre stand Hercules Mini, for tyres up to 35″

This tyre stand is used for hang the tyre during repair and filling of the skives. It is equipped with tyre rotation controlled by a foot pedal. It’s designed for tyres up to 35” bead diameter.
Posizione 10) 10.2 Tyre Stand 51”
N.1 MGT tyre stand Hercules Plus, for tyres up to 51”

This tyre stand is used for internal and external spot repairs.
The machine can lift the tyre up to the required height and allow easy inside and outside operations.
It is equipped with tyre rotation controlled by a foot pedal, the tyre speed is controlled by inverter.
It’s designed for tyres up to 51” bead diameter.
Total installed power 10 KW.
Posizione 11) Kit di strumenti di produzione e accessori
Kit di accessori di consumo per i macchinari e la riparazione dei pneumatici, vedi anche il nostro catalogo accessori N.23

Posizione 12)
Suggested Spare Parts (for 2 years of good functioning) for:
Posizione 1) Inspection Machine
Posizione 2) Robot skiving Machine
Posizione 3) Sherographic Machine
Posizione 4) Peeling, Buffing and Grooving Machine
Posizione 5) Cyclone & Dust Collector
Posizione 6) Cementing Machine
Posizione 7) Extruder Builder Machine CNC
Posizione 8) Autoclaves
Posizione 9) Finishing & Painting Tyre Stand + Airless Tank
Posizione 13) Steam Boiler
Posizione 14) Air Compressor
Posizione 13) Steam Boiler
N°1 Steam Boiler type Eurosteam 1000 composted with:
N.1 Steam generator with a production of 1.000 Kg/H. at a design pressure of 12 Bar.
N.1 Water and condensate tank manufactured in carbon steel, completely insulated and with a capacity of 2.000 Lts.
N.1 Chimney of six meters formed by modules. Manufactured in carbon steel
N.1 Water treatment equipment formed by water softener (40 liters) maximum capacity 4 m3/h.
Posizione 14) Air Compressors
N.2 Air Rotary Screw Compressor

Rotary air compressor with air production of 5.540 Lt/min. (5,54 m3/min.) at 10 Bar, complete with special filter and post air dryer refrigerator. Installed Power 45 KW each one.
Posizione 15) Air Tank
N.2 Air compressed tank capacity 2000 Lts
With max pressure of 11,5 Bar and complete with safety valve, manometer and 2 inches in and out connections.
Posizione 16) Water Pumps
N.1 Kit of water pumps and pressure reducer for compressors and autoclave cooling
With max pressure of 11,5 Bar and complete with safety valve, manometer and 2 inches in and out connections.